Sunday, August 28, 2011

Poulan Pro PR624ES 24-Inch 208cc LCT Gas Powered Two-Stage Snow Thrower With Electric Start 961920037

!±8± Poulan Pro PR624ES 24-Inch 208cc LCT Gas Powered Two-Stage Snow Thrower With Electric Start 961920037

Rate : | Price : $849.99 | Post Date : Aug 28, 2011 15:00:39
Usually ships in 24 hours

Poulan Pro 208cc 24-inch electric start 2 Stage Snow Thrower PR624ES. Poulan Pro snow throwers are built like a tank and balanced for heavy snow. Easy out of the box set up (10 minutes), Long life and easy to service. Ergonomic handle and easy to use controls that have a single motion. High performance auger/impeller with a high velocity discharge. Super-slow speed for heavy and deep snow. Optimized styling / high performance skid adjustment and single motion chute adjustment control. The Poulan Pro PR624ES includes the following specifications: OHV LCT Engine. 12-by-12-inch diameter auger/impeller. Plow style. Standard speed drive. 23-inch intake height. Interlock. Optional drift cutter and weight bar. 13-by-5-inch wheels. It also features hassle-free electric start, headlight and single hand interlock, which is ideal for cold weather conditions.

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Saturday, August 20, 2011

The history of the Yellow River and the Chinese Acupuncture

!±8± The history of the Yellow River and the Chinese Acupuncture

1 Acupuncture: a unique therapeutic process more than two millennia old

Acupuncture treats diseases by inserting thin needles into the body. In July 1971, Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, a secret trip to China for President Nixon's historic visit is ready. Among his entourage was James Reston, a reporter for the New York Times. While in China, Reston suffered acute appendicitis and underwent appendectomy at the Beijing Union Medical College,founded by the Rockefeller Foundation in New York in 1916. The second night after surgery Reston began to experience significant discomfort in the abdomen.

With his approval, acupuncturist inserted in the hospital and three long thin needles, one on the outside of the right elbow and below each knee manipulated. There was a significant recovery of abdominal pressure and swelling within an hour, with no recurrence of the problem then. JamesReston include a detailed description of his experience with acupuncture in his dispatches from Beijing. This was the first report to reach the English-speaking U.S. citizens, at least the vast majority who had no daily contact with Asians.

On the contrary, acupuncture known and practiced in China for over 2300 years. Yueren Qin, the first Chinese doctor is registered to be considered the founder of acupuncture. A biography of Qin is included YuerenRecords of great historian (Shi Ji), the masterpiece of the famous Chinese historian Sima Qian (135 - BC). And 'know who lived around 407-310 BC Qin Yueren, and was a contemporary of Hippocrates (ca. 460-377 BC), the father of Western medicine.

Qin Yueren traveled through the feudal states that China is compromised during his time, the treatment of men and women, young and old. As a result, he was awarded the auspicious title Bian Que, given the resources Wayfaring Magpie - aFortunately waiver bird flying here and there. Several carved stones unearthed from a tomb dating back to the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 AD), the show with a human head and body of a bird.

On one occasion, when passing through the Guo State (now Shan County, Henan Province), Bian Que learned that the prince was dead by Guo and his subjects were trained under him. After careful consideration, Bian Que believed that the prince had experienced only one type ofdeep coma as a reversal of a death note. He successfully resuscitated the patient by needling an acupuncture point on the top of the head, and will be back for the dead to life known. This was the first recorded use of acupuncture in China.

Acupuncture is amazing. Needles were used in the past among the most commonly used tools of everyday life, for the production of garments in the world. Be used as needles for sewing clothes, are also used in medicine to suture cuts.While cable used syringes to inject fluids into the body piercing or prefer to treat the disease with a solid body acupuncture needles seems quite incomprehensible. Most people prefer not with needles, needling pain, and organize and injuries are drilled. No wonder the media for "pin" a person to annoy, irritate or English. Through trial and error, healers from around the world regardless of similar treatments for pain and disease, including herbs, roots foundWraps, scrubs, phlebotomy, massage, meditation, or surgery. But the invention of acupuncture in China is unique.

Why did the ancient Chinese began, the disease, treatment puncture the body with your bare needles? An answer to this question is generally accepted that acupuncture as a natural consequence of everyday life in the Neolithic period (ca. 8000-3500 BC), created through a process of random accidents and repeated empirical experience. According to this theory, people have noticed, in which casesphysical problems were discharged for an unrelated injury. This led to the discovery of the principle that an injury can to a certain part of the body to alleviate or even a pre-existing disease or defect to heal in another part of the body out.

It is believed that this discovery of Neolithic China finally begun, stones, animal bones, or pieces of bamboo to be used to induce selective lesions to relieve physical problems. The traumatic nature of acupuncture, which is obviouslyCrude by modern standards, as well as its long history in China, seem to give credence to the theory of its prehistoric roots. However, if acupuncture actually occur due to repeated violations of empirical experience, should be developed around the world, and not only in China.

2 meridians of the body: the rivers of the world in microcosm

According to traditional Chinese medicine, is a network called "meridians" is distributed throughout the human body,To support the implementation of Qi (vital energy) and blood to the organs and tissues. Meridians of the human body are very similar to rivers in the world, both in structure and function. The rivers are the meridians of the earth, in the macrocosm. They are the channels that contain the flow of water, the life force of our planet. On the microcosmic scale, the meridians of the human body, the channels that contain the flow of qi and blood, the life force of living beings.

The ancient Chinese discovered that thereare twelve regular meridians in the human body. The Neijing or Nejing Huangdi (Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic of Medicine) (composed of 104-32 BC) is the pioneering work of traditional Chinese medicine and exposure oldest medical acupuncture. The "regular streams (Jingshui)" chapter deals specifically with the correspondences between the twelve regular meridians and the twelve great rivers of China. The rivers are mentioned in the basins of the situationChangjiang River and Yellow River.

The techniques and terminology of the flood protection offer a vivid analogy of the therapeutic mechanisms of acupuncture. Blocks in these "energy flows" to act as dams that prevent the flow of qi and blood and making it back into the connecting channels. Needling the acupuncture points of the obstacles removed, curing the disease by restoring the proper flow of qi and blood. In the same way that prevents dredging a river clearing away sediment by floodsthat the water flow freely. Similar descriptions of flood control and acupuncture were used by the first acupuncture as a complete system of healing in China at the beginning of Western Han Dynasty (206 BC-24 AD). This terminology has been used not only plumbing for his striking images. Rather, it means that the understanding of Chinese origin have up to this point, the correlation between nature and man, and the meridian flow, floods and diseases reached.

3Dredging takes diking: The incomparable mastery of flood protection by Chinese ancestors reached

China is a huge, steep slope Continental, unlike everyone else in the world. The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, is located in the western part of China, is the highest plateau in the world and geologically younger. And 'as if the roof of the world has known, with an average altitude of 4000-4500 meters. A Chinese proverb says: "The highest mountain in the towers, the higher the water rises."Which is great, and cloud-kissed Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is the largest tower and more natural water in the ground, falling snow storage of water vapor emitted by the oceans and seas. Since the compressed snow melts in the sun drop, drop, water flows naturally to the east and released is collected in small streams which come together in powerful streams that empty into the ocean again.

China, the two longest rivers, the Yangtze and the Yellow River sourcein the heights of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Were needed for agricultural development and population growth in China's history. But because of the huge difference in altitude of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to the sea, the water flows in these rivers is very fast and can easily cause flooding. The Yellow River, the muddy river in the world, is particularly known for its devastating floods.

The name of the Yellow River refers to the large amount of silt or yellow loessLand the door. Loess formations are extremely vulnerable to erosion by water. As the Yellow River runs through the Loess Plateau in northwestern China, the torrent of yellow mud, and unusually large increases in quantity sweeps the valley. As the river reaches flatter current slows, depositing huge amounts of silt and the raising of the yellow river bed.

Attracted by the fertile soil of the middle and lower Yellow River, the prehistoric ancestors of the ChinesePeople settled along the banks of a culture that must be prepared on plants, fishing and hunting. However, these pioneers were soon threatened by the flow of heavy and prolonged flooding. During the early stages that may have lived in a plateau or natural or man led a nomadic life to prevent flooding, while imploring supernatural powers for help. But while their population grew, he had no choice but to try to use the flow of enormous power.

This definitionAspect of Chinese culture is reflected in one of the oldest and most popular legends of China, the story of how the great flood control Yu. It is said that during Emperor Wudi distributed or five times (about 2700-2000 BC), severe flooding throughout the country and brought great disaster for the people. Emperor Yao was appointed Minister to use his gun to the river and flood control. However Gun successful attempt to prevent the flow through the construction of levees and dams. Son of gun Yu was appointed bynext Emperor Shun (c. 2100 BC), continued the work of his father. Drawing a lesson from the failure of his father noticed, and Yu used down flowing nature of water. He dredged channels corresponding to the physical characteristics of the soil, the water eventually lead to the sea. After 13 years of hard work done by the floods.

It can be difficult to separate fact from legend, the big question is Yu, but China's long history of flood protection. The most valuablePrinciple of the ancient Chinese have learned from their work with flood control, dredging was higher than that of flow or diversion of watercourses is curbing attempts to hinder or other waterway.

Channel Dujiang (Dujiang Yan), the most famous construction project of ancient China sea and the ancient world, is an excellent example of the use of excavators and the diversion of water resources for flood protection. Completed in 256 BC, more or less coinciding with the appearance ofAcupuncture is the channel Dujiang the top of the ancient Chinese hydraulic engineering. He continued to play an important role in flood control, irrigation and shipping play this day. The oldest still operating in marine construction project in the world, was the channel Dujiang in the World Heritage List of UNESCO in 2000 included.

The long history and unique mastery of the flood protection of Chinese ancestors, with the example Dujiang Channel reached, it was a direct consequencegeographical reality in the face. Destructive floods in the myths and legends of many ancient peoples, represented for example the story of Noah and the Flood in the Bible. However, there are legends about the flood protection. This is a direct consequence of the physical environment of these ancient peoples.

Egypt has depended on the Nile in ancient and modern times. As a silver ribbon, the Nile flows through the Sahara desert, creating a corridor of life. Water isof inestimable value in the desert, to create oases, where it appears. To the Egyptians, the annual flooding of the Nile is a blessing and a disaster, watering and fertilizing the fields of the Nile Delta. The annual flooding is so important for survival, that the ancient Egyptians regarded him as the annual renewal of the first act of creation. If water is not strong enough to innundate the surrounding fields with water and fertile soils, drought and famine wouldResult.

The ancient Egyptians, and never develop methods of protection against flooding, and actually pray for the flood, when it was not done on time. The belief that the Nile god Hapi controls the tides, celebrated the "Arrival of Hapi 'annual homage to him with offers, in the hope that the Nile would be enough to provide water and sewage sludge on agricultural land up.

The two rivers, the Yellow River and the Nile bring different gifts, and its inhabitants. During the floodthe Nile to create fertile arable land in Egypt immediately, "China's Sorrow", inspired by the old man to a unique method of healing.

4 To heal with the laws of nature on the evils of the human body: clean the meridians with needles

A fundamental concept of Chinese philosophy is the '"unity of mankind and heaven." This means that humanity, society and the nature of an integrated system, and that each part is and similarly subject to the same laws. Lao Tzu (c. 6th century. BC), founder of Taoism, said: "Humanity is modeled on the earth, the earth is modeled after heaven, heaven on Tao and Tao is nature itself."

This holistic model of thinking has been widely used in medicine. Chinese doctors were the first philosophers as well. They believed that the processes of the human body through the observation and analysis of the phenomena of the universe can be understood, and that interference with the principles of humanity canNature. Therefore considered that not only the medical study of the human body, but also to "know the sky above and below ground."

The ancient Chinese philosophers, doctors found that after the meridians and rivers are similar in structure to maintain the flow of water in the rivers and the flow of qi and blood in the meridians, the same rules, and that their complaints can lead to be managed. When a river is silted up, the water in the river,naturally flows down the overflow and produce a flood. If a meridian is blocked, the qi and the blood carries the natural flow to occur in orbit, stagnant and various diseases. The healers of the human body, therefore, deleted the meridians puncture with needles in order to facilitate the flow of qi and blood, and treat diseases, such as the healer of the earth dredged the river runs with hoes and shovels for the right to water and control ofFlood.

The twelve regular meridians are distributed throughout the body and form a network that connects the top and bottom, and internal and external, into an organic whole. To nourish the qi and blood flow through the meridians of the body. In addition, some sites of caves called Qi (qixue) or acupuncture points on the skin along the path of meridians. These sites are often found in small depressions, usually between the muscles, tendons, bones or boneHoles. If you are sick, slow down the flow of qi and blood tends to stagnate leading to the jagged edges of the obstruction of the meridians. Inserting fine needles into these points can effectively promote the flow of qi and blood, and remove obstacles to the promotion of recovery.

Cancellation of the meridians of the body with needles on the free movement of the body's energy flow, which provides direct implementation of the central principle of effective protection against flooding - to promote the desired flowCancellation of the channels rather than erect barriers.

The authors of Neijing expression of correspondence between flood control and acupuncture in this way: "Those versed in the laws of nature to dig a pond at its deepest point, so that the water in the pond can be downloaded and avoiding labor tiring, according to the same. logic, they dredge the meridians of acupuncture points, the wells cave where qi and blood can be deposited. be released in this way with the meridiansEasy. "

5 Acupuncture: A true symbol of traditional Chinese culture

Come from the mountains and rivers empty into the oceans. Soil erosion on the upper reaches is the main cause of flooding, so the most effective means of flood protection is to conserve water and soil on the upper. The meridians are the extremities of the limbs and abdomen at the end of the chest and head. So if you are using acupuncture to treat diseases, headaches are not treated with needling head, butinstead of needling the foot. The use of acupuncture to treat the laws of nature, on the evils of the human body, provides a visible expression of the concepts of the Chinese holistic philosophy. The practice of puncturing the lower body to the care and treatment of the outer top of inner healing is nothing more than the entire visible.

Acupuncture in its complete form no later than 2 century BC, around the same time that the Chinese improved their ancestors developed principlesProtection against flooding in major project Dujiang Hydraulic Canal. Just as water always flows down, not the theory and practice of acupuncture fundamentally changed. Since its founding satisfactory results due to puncture the same places with the same tools have been achieved.

A needle acupuncture can be very romantic, but it represents the essence of traditional Chinese culture. Acupuncture is not just an art of healing, but a symbol of life for thousands of yearsChinese culture.

Acupuncture is unique, original and representative. Acupuncture not only exemplifies the height of traditional Chinese culture, but a further use in thousands of years has proven the value of the Chinese holistic principles it embodies. The stability and vibrancy of the acupuncture point, because the Chinese civilization has lasted for more than five thousand years.

Acupuncture 6: More than 1500 years of globalization

The proliferation of acupuncturecan be divided into four phases. Acupuncture has deployed at least 140 countries and territories to date.

First phase: up to about 6 Century AD, acupuncture began to spread to neighboring countries of Korea, Vietnam and Japan. Particularly in Japan, were the basic texts of acupuncture imported, absorbed, and studied with great care.
541 AD: Chinese operators in Korea, triggered by the Chinese government.
552 AD: Emperor of China in Japan presented a copy ofClassical Acupuncture (a portion of the Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine (Huangdi Neijing).
562 AD: Monk Zhi Cong, manual channels and acupuncture points (You Mingtang) systematic and classical acupuncture and moxibustion (Zhenjiu Jiayijing) leads to Korea and Japan.
754 AD: Jian Zhen, a senior official of the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD), crossed the sea to Japan to spread Buddhism and Chinese medicine.

Second stage: With about 12 Century AD, had acupuncturebegan in the Middle East to reach across the Silk Road.

Third stage: In the late 1500 and early 1600 had started acupuncture in Japan and Europe through the Maritime Silk Road, transmitted by the Jesuits in particular filter.

1671 AD: Harvieu, a Jesuit priest, produced the first French translation of a work of acupuncture as he returned to France from Macao and Beijing.
1683 AD: Willem Ten Rhyne, a Dutch doctor, Nagasaki in Japan in the first half of the 17 visitsCentury, published Dissertatio de Arthride: Mantissa Schematic of acupuncture, a Latin treatise on acupuncture, in London and reinvents the European term "acupuncture".
1810 AD: the first recorded use of acupuncture in Europe occurs in the School of Medicine of Paris, Dr. Berlioz when using a young woman suffering from abdominal pain to be treated. The Paris Medical Society, describes this as a form a little 'ill-treatment.
AD 1823: Acupuncture is the first issue of thisLancet.

Fourth step: Since early 1970, acupuncture has spread dramatically throughout the world, catalyzed by Nixon's historic visit to China and distributed by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

1971: James Reston wrote about his experience with acupuncture in Beijing in The New York Times. This article presents the first account of acupuncture in the English language to reach U.S. citizens, or at least the vast majority who do not have daily contact withAsians.

1973: The American Journal of Acupuncture began publishing, plays an important role in clinical practice and study of acupuncture in the West.

1976: Dr. Bruce Pomeranz, a professor in the Department of Zoology at the University of Toronto, has published an original article states that analgesia is mediated through endorphins in acupuncture. His research is the first to use the Western scientific paradigm to explain why acupuncture works.

1979: An internationalConference on acupuncture, moxibustion and acupuncture anesthesia held by the WHO in Beijing, sponsored participants from twelve countries. Its purpose is to identify ways in which priorities and standards for acupuncture in the areas of clinical practice, research, training and technology transfer can be determined to be discussed. The conference provides a first list of diseases that are susceptible to such treatment with acupuncture.

1987: The World Federation of AcupunctureSociety (WFAS) was founded in Beijing. WFAS now has 76 offices representing more than 70,000 members from 43 countries and regions.

1997: The National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the United States has confirmed the effectiveness of acupuncture in treating a variety of diseases.

1998: The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), will begin a column dedicated to alternative and complementary therapies.

2000: The British Medical Association (BMA) provides aReport on acupuncture and concluded that acupuncture is safe and effective for the treatment of a range of diseases and disorders.

The history of the Yellow River and the Chinese Acupuncture

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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Solar Panels - The Downside

!±8± Solar Panels - The Downside

There are some disadvantages of owning solar panels. The biggest problems are not enough sun in winter, snow covers the plates and put trees very large shadow over them during the day.

So consider where the sun does not shine enough, especially in winter, may be misplaced.

There are some things you can do to deny you these great themes apparent.

Let's start with the snow and winter.

If you install solar panels, make sure youAdjustable tilt angle. With the possibility that it is possible to tilt a steeper slope, enough snow slides off easily customize the interface.

This will help with the adjustable nature of the darker months. Raising the performance of solar collectors and with a better angle to receive the sunlight they will get more efficient.

Depending on how far north you live, you might consider a couple of batteries that you get through the worst parts.

And 'goodtry to position them so that they are facing the sun as directly as possible. You also have an adjustable tilt angle will help to optimize the angle, as the seasons change. They work best at an angle between thirty and forty degrees.

As for the trees, make sure that the surrounding trees will not be a problem at this time, and over the next twenty or thirty years. It is worthwhile to plan ahead with your tree planting in this case.

If you can not remove the trees, or are planning to install a couple ofTo make the panels more effective for some lost.

After additional disks can appear as an additional cost, but consider the long-term benefits with a reduced electricity bill or no electric bill.

If you're looking to save money for the installation and construction of the solar system, consider your loved ones are there to build them much cheaper, and gives you the opportunity to continue to do more, in case you need to hear through the snow, low angle of the shadow of winterso

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Solar Panels - The Downside

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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025

!±8±Toro 1800 18-Inch 12 Amp Electric Curve Snow Thrower #38025

Brand : Toro
Rate :
Price : $329.00
Post Date : Aug 07, 2011 19:01:02
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Toro, 1800 Power Curve, 12A Motor, 18" Clearing Width, 10" Intake Height, Push Drive System, 160 Degree Adjustable Chute Control, Manual Pitch Control, Can Move 700 LB Of Snow Per Minute, 30' Throw Distance, Perfect For Small Lots, Sidewalks & Driveways, Weighs Only 24 LB, Safety Key Lock Prevents Unauthorized Use, Minimal Assembly Required, 2 Year Full Warranty.

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Friday, August 5, 2011

Toro Power Shovel Get A 38 361 Removing and disabling the snow from the deck and balcony

!±8± Toro Power Shovel Get A 38 361 Removing and disabling the snow from the deck and balcony

The Toro Power Shovel 38 361 is simply my tool of choice during the winter. Except on days when we get a foot heavy wet snow, then my gas-powered Toro snowblower gets all my love. But in this article I wanted a situation where the Toro Power Shovel 38 361 is the best and only for the sharing of work removing snow from your deck and balcony.

Why remove the snow from the deck or balcony?

First, it can only help the structure and integrity ofyour deck and balcony from the heavy snow. This is a lot of weight to keep it all winter to.

Secondly, you can definitely enjoy some 'time on the terrace and balcony during the cold winter months. My daughter and I gathered together in a clear night and drink hot chocolate and watch the stars. They appear brighter in the winter, for some reason, I do not know why. And I doubt many days throughout the winter BBQ on the terrace. It 'a popular thing to do for my familySunday afternoon during the football festivities.

Toro 38 361 shovel it?

This excavator weighs under 13 pounds, so it's a cinch to lift and take them up on the deck or the balcony. He wears a heavy gas-powered fan is not an option, especially if you are covering more than a few steps. And forget a heavy snow blower up to the balcony.

In addition, the amazing performance of 38 361 Toro does a good job of throwing the snow over the bridge rails.It is exhausting work, shoveling snow and manually clear about 3 feet high bridge rails. But the Toro Power Shovel easily and effortlessly throws snow all over the deck and balcony railings.

Quick Tip: This may seem obvious, but it is clear that the first balcony, especially if its over the driveway or patio. Otherwise you may end up throwing the snow back to an area just plowed (as I did ... twice in fact).

Where do you find the best deal?

How many products today are the best dealsYou can find online. Especially for the Toro Power Shovel 38 361, due to its popularity and fame, is often sold in local retail stores.

Toro Power Shovel Get A 38 361 Removing and disabling the snow from the deck and balcony

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